Minister Donna Knight

Hello and greetings to all who enter this site in the name of Yeshua.

My name is Min. Donna Knight, Author, Prayer Warrior, Child of the Most High. I prefer to be called Donna. I don’t think that Father Yah will call me by my title before HE calls my name. My favorite scripture is Acts 20:24 CJB “But I consider my own life of no importance to me whatsoever, as long as I can finish the course ahead of me, the task I received from the Lord Yeshua – to declare in depth the Good News of Yahweh’s love and kindness.” 

It is my desire to bring prayer and the Word of Yahweh right where you need it. I am a prayer warrior by calling and life. I serve as a minister in the kingdom. I’ve been a prayer warrior since before I can remember. I didn’t know that was my calling until later. But before we go there, let me touch upon my roots.  

I hail from E. St. Louis Illinois where I was born to wonderful parents who are still together today. They celebrated 55 yrs. of marriage before leaving this earthly realm and now are together in heaven. I am blessed to be married, a mother and grandmother. I have been in the pit and the palace. I prefer my relationship with Yahweh to be the best landing place for me. I have walked in the path of addiction, abuse, adultery, self-hate and suicidal darkness. I know grief, shame, depression and guilt, all too well. I also know that you can come out of these things using the Word of Yahweh, by His Grace and with effort on your part. You can’t do it without Yeshua, The Christ. 

I run a transparency ministry: Take a Break with Jesus (Yeshua). I am commissioned to share with all what I have gone through, what we continually deal with and how it looks for a soldier to stand. You will hear my testimonies as we lean in and watch how Yahweh has walked me through life. In my life, you will see Adonai carry me through my past, weaving it  into my better days with a landing at HIS future; which He has planned so long ago. (Ephesians 2:10) You will hear of forgiveness given to me. You will hear my fights with the enemy who is constantly trying to steal, kill and destroy my anointing. You will feel Victory and strength learned along the way. 

I always knew of Yahweh because I was raised in church. I didn’t always walk with Him or accept HIM until a day of TRUE surrender in August 2005. He met me right where I was in all my mess and pulled me out of my darkness into HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT. 

What I hope to do here is show you that Yeshua is tugging at you, too.

I will be transparent because I believe all should know that walking in the life of a Child of Yahweh isn’t always pretty, easy or without issue. You should know it takes commitment and hard work.  

​I welcome your feedback and knowledge. I don’t know everything, but I do know that in Yeshua we can get through this life together and find each other in heaven when it is our time. Yahweh bless you and thank you. 

Donna Knight