(Formerly Known As “Prayer Still Works”)

In 2014, in a corporate office building, Prayer Still Works prayer group was launched in the back of Mr. Lee’s cafe. Meeting in this location is a miracle of prayer in itself. I had requested a conference room within one of the floors of our building but offsite of my office suite so I wouldn’t be regulated by my job. I was denied, multiple times. I said okay, the Lord will make a way. I went about my daily life for a couple months. I met people and told them of my desire, and I continued to pray about starting a prayer circle.

Out of the blue, the manager of the building caught me in the atrium. She asked me if I was still looking for a place to pray. I excitedly said, “Yes”. She directed me to the cafeteria of my building where a Christian Business owner had heard someone discussing prayer. He was willing to let us pray in his business. Only God could have done this. I hadn’t spoken to business owner. Mr. Lee and his lovely wife would allow me to set up prayer shop. When they had time, they would join in together or separately. They were from Vietnam, and we didn’t speak the same language but through God we were able to communicate and pray. We began to meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30am for 15 minutes. People would make us their morning break.


Take a break with Jesus- Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30a.m. MST.
Facebook: Donna Vaughn King
Instagram Donnavaughnking
To Support this Ministry: Cash App – $DVK2008
Once we established our obedience, God blessed the ministry to move onto social media in 2019. The name changed one day when I was talking with my niece from WA. and she said something regarding the Facebook posts and how it was cool to take a break with Jesus. That is when the name changed and a true ministry was born. 
Take a Break with Jesus is a transparency ministry sent to encourage, uplift and restore the lost to their foundation of God.  God uses everyday life to minister to us. Through life’s ups and downs, I bring a true look at what being a Christ lover and living in a sin-filled world look like. It is about showing you that you can make it. You don’t have to be perfect just keep striving. Never Give Up! 
It is also for the non-believer who needs to see a true Chrisitan; not someone who is faking their walk. They can gain the confidence to accept Yeshua in their lives and come out of the darkness into the marvelous light.
Blessed by the Lord, we are an international ministry spreading the Word of God all the way to Africa and beyond. 
It was prophesied in my life, God would give me a platform to spread His Word and He has been true to His Word.  
God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man, that He should repent. Numbers 23:19